VFP2IIS Documentation Support Company


VFP2IIS is the ideal solution to open Microsoft Visual FoxPro© applications to Intranet and Extranet. VFP2IIS is a component which allows developers to compatibly run and use applications built with Microsoft Visual FoxPro within Internet Explorer.
VFP2IIS provides an interface between Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Internet Explorer. VFP2IIS is a middleware including its own HTML generator. With VFP2IIS you can develop complex WEB applications from a VFP interface (forms and controls). Specially formatted HTML text is not needed.
All design and functional code can be done in VFP. With VFP2IIS you can develop an application for the desktop and the WEB in one project with common code and user interface. Therefore, VFP2IIS is suitable for developing data centric WEB applications very quickly, which are also available with a desktop version.
Reproduction totale ou partielle strictement interdite • KitWeb : générateur de sites internetWan Again : fournisseur d'accès à Internet