VFP2IIS Documentation Support Company

VFP2IIS 2.06 release notes

- Editbox is supported in grid as current control
- Support for secure connection (https)
- Debug - header and script files specified in VFP2IIS.INI was not inserted to HTML code


- Listbox -HTML code for items use classes
- Now character (\<) are automatically removed from caption
- New method of VFP2IISROOT.RegisterForm - enables run form in VFP with standard manner (only with noshow parameter) and then register in VFP2IIS. With this SCX now can compiled inside APP or EXE and forms with default data session are started in data session of parent form
- Debug - Text "Memo" in grid with sparse .t. and current control = editbox


- VFP label is now generated as HTML label tag and support IELink property for standard HTML link
- Debug - internal variables with prefix m. to avoid collision with field name in user application
- HTML generator now generate new object mapping in script
- HTML generator edited to more compatibility W3C - HTML 4.01 (preparing XHTML)
- FREE version on server has restriction to 10 min from start of IIS session
- Now with some restrictions for not supported functionality output of VFP2IIS support viewers (tested under described versions)
o MSIE version 5.5, 6, 7
o FireFox 1.7.12
o Mozilla 1.7.12
o Opera 9.02
o Netscape 7.2
o Safari 3.0.2

Primary is VFP2IIS tested for MSIE, with other viewers can be some distortions of controls and next features are not supported in other viewer:
o IE filters are supported only for MSIE
o Full function of VFP2IIS.Messagebox is supported only in MSIE (e.g. yes, no cancel), in other is supported only OK/cancel - VFP2IIS automatically map message box to appropriate form
o Shortcut menu (right click) is supported only in MS IE

Compatibility for other viewers will be tested - thanks for any notice
- With version 2.06 are new examples (simpler) all with source code divided into next groups
o Simple form for data - controls, grid, work with frames, children forms and download (create and display report)
o Advance forms - simulation ActiveX (tree), upload, nested frames
o Fun - only "prototype" some functions not fully implemented like Command window thru internet
o Add In examples - e.g. XML generation like Web service, RSS generator with VFP forms

All examples present WEB application and use only pure VFP code without any scripting or HTML coding. (Exclude HTML frame definition and activeX-tree emulation - which generate HTML code)


Default folders and structures are a little changed with 2.06 according to VFP2IIS concept


Reproduction totale ou partielle strictement interdite • KitWeb : générateur de sites internetWan Again : fournisseur d'accès à Internet