VFP2IIS Documentation Support Company



VFP2IIS is developed and tested on Windows 2000 (server / professional) +SP4, Windows XP professional +SP2, Windows 2003 server +SP1, You must check and configure :


- Register VFP2IIS.DLL as component COM+ application

     - With Component services create empty application (VFP2IIS)

     - Into VFP2IIS COM+ application add component C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\VFP2IIS\VFP2IIS.DLL

     - Check (or modify) start on identity page and rights


- Within IIS manager create a WEB application for the VFP2IIS folder

- Open VFP2IIS.INI file and check parameters DEFAULTDIR, PATH and STARTFORM. In the distributed version,  VFP default form from VFP2IIS_DEMO application is set as default in VFP2IIS.INI

- Set proper permission to folders and data files (for test is best full access to everyone)

- By default is for test in default.asp page set timeout of IIS session to 1 minute, you can modify or remove

- Forms DEMO1, DEMO2 and DEMO3 are using sample data TASTRADE installed with VFP9 in default directory. If needed, open forms with VFP and correct path to table TASTRADE!EMPLOYEE.DBF.


WARNING - Windows 2003 server must be configured for WEB application server, ASP,DTS and COM+ allowed, SP1 installed - without SP1 VFP2IIS is not running

License activation


VFP2IIS FREE version is free and does not need activation. The Server and Developer versions need activation.



With the SERVER license you get a VFP2IIS.KEY file. This file must be inserted into the folder with VFP2IIS.DLL to unlock VFP2IIS and remove IP restriction. VFP2IIS.KEY file can be used on one server only and must not be distributed. This file contains information about the type of license, SN and owner of license.



With the DEVELOPER license you get one VFP2IIS.KEY file. This file must be inserted into the folder with VFP2IIS.DLL to unlock VFP2IIS and remove IP restriction. VFP2IIS.KEY file can be used on one server only and must not be distributed. This file contains information about the type of license, SN and owner of license.

Unlike SERVER license you obtain additional "Activation key" number. In your WEB application you can invoke License method of VFP2IIS object with your SN and activation key to unlock restriction in VFP2IIS.

In this manner you can distribute your WEB application with FREE version of VFP2IIS and dynamically unlock it for your application. Activation key can not be distributed and used for general activation of VFP2IIS (other than your application).



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