VFP2IIS is developed and tested on Windows 2000 (server / professional) +SP4, Windows XP professional +SP2, Windows 2003 server +SP1, You must check and configure :
- Register VFP2IIS.DLL as component COM+ application
- With Component services create empty application (VFP2IIS)
- Into VFP2IIS COM+ application add component C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\VFP2IIS\VFP2IIS.DLL
- Check (or modify) start on identity page and rights
- Within IIS manager create a WEB application for the VFP2IIS folder
- Open VFP2IIS.INI file and check parameters DEFAULTDIR, PATH and STARTFORM. In the distributed version, VFP default form from VFP2IIS_DEMO application is set as default in VFP2IIS.INI
- Set proper permission to folders and data files (for test is best full access to everyone)
- By default is for test in default.asp page set timeout of IIS session to 1 minute, you can modify or remove
- Forms DEMO1, DEMO2 and DEMO3 are using sample data TASTRADE installed with VFP9 in default directory. If needed, open forms with VFP and correct path to table TASTRADE!EMPLOYEE.DBF.
WARNING - Windows 2003 server must be configured for WEB application server, ASP,DTS and COM+ allowed, SP1 installed - without SP1 VFP2IIS is not running